A downloadable game

In Up-Rooted you play as highly evolved plant folk with the ability to move and communicate and create magical effects. You share your world with only bugs, insects and molluscs which have grown out of all proportion compared to our world some becoming terrifying plant eating beasts. A corrupting rot creeps upon the world infecting the minds of other plant folk. Weather and temperatures flare wildly and dramatically, making areas inhospitable to certain plant types. Some invasive species will attempt to parasitically steal your life force debilitating your senses. It’s your job to find adventure in this chaotic world and broker peace between waring nations of plant folk or assist and protect them as they search for safe spaces to call home whilst working on your own magical skills. It’s your job to find adventure, assist and protect the colonies of plant folk as you, and they, search for treasure, magic, dark secrets or just a safe space to make roots.

Magical and unique stories will be told collaboratively with the guidance and preparation by a games master (GM), some d6 dice and something to take notes with. Find additional GM advice in the quest generator and monster template sections otherwise share the 1 page with your players.


Up-Rooted Rules 224 kB

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